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world business chicago:
Innovation & Venture

Our Commitment

World Business Chicago's Innovation and Venture Team takes big bets on Chicago's builders. We bring together Chicagoland's startup entrepreneurs, students and innovators to promote an inclusive and equitable tech and innovation ecosystem. We achieve our goals by providing programming that bridges access to resources, fosters diversity in talent access and activates networks that amplify innovation, driving collective success for our city.

Flagship Program

Chicago Venture Summit

Since its inception in 2014, our region's flagship startup and venture conference has blossomed into one of the nation's most prominent gatherings for startups, investors, and industry innovators. In order to showcase the extraordinary potential of our city, we have expanded the Summit program to include industry-specific series that spotlight Chicago's most promising and high-growth sectors. In 2022 alone, we attracted over 1,500 founders, innovators, Fortune 500 executives, and investors who explored why our city thrives as a global hub for startup investment and industry innovation. This past May, we hosted our largest Chicago Venture Summit ever, with the participation of over 1,000 startups, VC firms, and Fortune 500 companies.

Flagship Program

Chicago Venture Summit

Since its inception in 2014, our region's flagship startup and venture conference has blossomed into one of the nation's most prominent gatherings for startups, investors, and industry innovators. In order to showcase the extraordinary potential of our city, we have expanded the Summit program to include industry-specific series that spotlight Chicago's most promising and high-growth sectors. In 2022 alone, we attracted over 1,500 founders, innovators, Fortune 500 executives, and investors who explored why our city thrives as a global hub for startup investment and industry innovation. This past May, we hosted our largest Chicago Venture Summit ever, with the participation of over 1,000 startups, VC firms, and Fortune 500 companies.

Flagship Program

Chicago Venture Summit

Since its inception in 2014, our region's flagship startup and venture conference has blossomed into one of the nation's most prominent gatherings for startups, investors, and industry innovators. In order to showcase the extraordinary potential of our city, we have expanded the Summit program to include industry-specific series that spotlight Chicago's most promising and high-growth sectors. In 2022 alone, we attracted over 1,500 founders, innovators, Fortune 500 executives, and investors who explored why our city thrives as a global hub for startup investment and industry innovation. This past May, we hosted our largest Chicago Venture Summit ever, with the participation of over 1,000 startups, VC firms, and Fortune 500 companies.

Jane Doe, Project Manager, Company XYZ
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Robert Doe, Design Lead, Company 123
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi diam nibh, laoreet quis egestas nec, pharetra et massa. Aenean id ligula eu ante tempor semper.
Lorem Ipsum

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Jan 1, 2001

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Pellentesque velit consectetur placerat cursus porttitor elit. Pretium vel arcu volutpat vel sed consectetur mus. Sit blandit gravida sed a. Blandit cras ipsum morbi pharetra et sed maecenas purus. Viverra ullamcorper nunc vulputate eu proin erat. Purus turpis ipsum nunc ac eu ultrices.
Venture Summit Highlights

The Organization X Is Named #1 Corporation

Integer nec scelerisque lorem. Maecenas augue mi, viverra ultrices nisl quis, vestibulum posuer.
February 21, 2012

The Organization X Grows to 500 Employees

urabitur vel fringilla arcu, vitae dictum metus. Nullam gravida quam sed justo consequat porta. Mauris id quam nibh. Ut at nulla non sem commodo eleifend. Aliquam ex orci, feugiat at massa iaculis, condimentum commodo diam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Nec etiam accumsan.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Nec etiam accumsan.



Lori Williams

President and Chief Executive Officer

Lori Williams

President and Chief Executive Officer

Lori Williams

President and Chief Executive Officer

Lori Williams

President and Chief Executive Officer